Saturday, September 27, 2014

Writing, Writing and Writing

I just wanted to post an update and to apologize to my followers that I have not posted recently.  As the title of this blog says, I have been writing!  Along with a full school schedule, homework assignments and gearing up for a busy art show season, I am at my laptop every free minute I find to write on the "Age of Draga".  I am averaging about 1000 words each time I sit down at the computer, that is if I have have a good chunk of time to work on it.

I have made good headway into the first book of this series and am very pleased as I know you will be too.  I appreciate your patience in waiting for the completion and publication of the book.  I will keep coming back here and posting my progress.  The dragons are coming alive off the pages and it is exciting.

In between writing, I am working on a new style of watercolor illustrations to add into the book series.  The Age of Draga will feature my dragon art along with a great story!  Here is a sample of the new illustration of Prince Grenlok:

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Dragon Illustrations

This is a short update to let everyone know what I am currently working on.  I have been doing a lot of painting during the summer break, before college classes start up again.  I am finishing up a new Prince Grenlock painting which will be used as part of my green dragon story.  Prince Grenlock is a key figure in the green dragon tribe with a lot of power and might!

I am also working on a new Zakuua and Gotthra for the story.  I will post them as they get finished and continue to post a little bit more of their story.  I am outlining an index page which will list each dragon with their names and pronunciation for the readers reference.  A map is in the works as well so the reader will know where each dragon tribe lives and travels.

As you can see, I am very busy putting the Age of Draga into print along with completing paintings to make this a visual story as well.  Please keep my blog, website ( and give us a "like"on facebook so you can follow my progress.  Thank You!  Jay

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Dratha's Visit

Prince Grolth’s Uncle Dratha came storming into the clearing where the teenagers were playing and let out a thundering roar. “Why are you here wasting time when you're supposed to be on the home island getting ready for the ceremony?  You know it is our tradition and it is disrespectful to the elders of our tribe to be late.”  “I'm sorry exhorted the young prince.  I lost track of time, it wasn't my intention to disrespect anybody.”  ” You are disrespecting me at this moment “, Bellowed Dratha. ” Now come on let's go,” giving a sharp look with squinted eyes at Prince Grenlok and Princess Grellen.

With a great leap, Dratha shot in the air and beat down with his large wings leaving a cloud of dust that enveloped all three youths.  Then coughing, Prince Grolth said, ”Sorry guys, I have to go”. Then he leaped as high as he could, flapped his wings quickly to get lift and off he went.  Grenlok yelled at him,” it's okay brother I understand”.   He lifted his paw to the sky and spread his talons, the dragon's way of saying goodbye.  Princess Grellen gave a worried stare at Grenlok and said “I wish Dratha wasn't so hard on our brother”.  Grenlok answered her saying “I don’t know what we can do about it, Dratha has always been like that and he won't change.  We just need to try and stay away from him as much as possible.”  

“Yeah, but what about our brother?” responded Grellen.  “Dratha tries to act like his father and he's not”. 

Prince Grenlok said with a solemn voice,” you know ever since his sister died he has assumed responsibility over Grolth.  You have to admit our father is too busy to spend much time with him or us for that matter.  Princess Grellen spoke saying,” well we need to keep an eye on our brother and try to protect him as much as possible.”  Grenlok with a firm voice said “Grellen simmer down don't let that temper of yours get us in trouble, he's tough and he can take care of himself.” “Whatever you say”, Grellen torted  as she spread her purple wings and sprung in the air.  She turned her head and yelled sarcastically at her brother, ”See you at home wimp”.  Grenlok yelled back, ” You’re gonna get it sister; just you wait!”

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The Battle of Caatha and Gotthra

The day of conflict had arrived. This is the day that both” Caatha the Blue” and” Gotthra The Dark Heart” had trained for their entire lives. Both of them knew that this day would come and both of them knew that this battle was their destiny. The Caathan wise ones prophesied of this event for centuries. Gotthra had dreamt about this day for as long as he could remember and now it had arrived. The dark one was there to put an end to the prophecy and Caatha was there to protect it. They stared at each other with intense purpose. Cattha’s claws dug in the permafrost ready for the fight. Hot flames licked up the sides of Gotthra’s face ready to shoot forth and incinerate the blue Dragon. Their fates hung in the balance, the battle has begun. 

More to come....
See my more dragon art at

Monday, May 26, 2014

Caatha in the Copper Desert

Caatha landed on the edge of the world and looked around for the copper dragons . He searched for a certain  cave on the side of a hill. Copper dragons lived in small hills and mountains. This certain cave had two gigantic Dragon skulls at the entrance, and this would be the home of Karak the King. They are a desert species of Dragon. They live in the orange sands of the Copper desert and have dwelt there for many centuries in peace, but the brass dragons and the brown dragons waged war upon them and their allies the bronze dragons forcing them to go to war to defend their homeland. The blue Dragon came to help fight in the conflict and to prophesy of the future.

Karaak was the king of the Copper tribe. Young but not foolish, strong but not Brutish and very wise. Not being on the throne for long his father died in the not-too-distant past. He was able to grab a grasp of the rule before the war with the brass dragons began to expand into the Copper desert. He had had time to grow as a general while they were fighting in the outlands past the borders of the desert into the scrub brush and black oak of the high deserts where the brown and the brass dragons dwell.
He was wise enough to forge an alliance with the red Dragon Army. It was easily be sided with the leader of the bronze dragons since they were already allies from before. They held back the brass dragons easily in the little skirmishes of the borderlands. But it wasn't until the blacks Preston North end allied with the brass and the brown dragons that things became very serious and threatening. So was good to strike an alliance with an army as great as the Reds.

The prince of the bronze dragons was called, DRAAZER and he ran the battles from the frontlines. His father, King  Dozzar was very ill and very old and stayed behind.

Dragon Art including the dragon, Caatha can be found on my website,

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Find Dragon Excerpts on Jay Nixon Gallery

This new year finds me very busy with school, creating new paintings, writing and participating in art shows and art walks.  My goal for 2014 is to continue with writing my Age of Draga and having one of the series ready for publication by the end of the year.  Thank you to all my fans who are anxiously waiting for the story and thank you for patience as I slowly create my dragon world.

For those who are new or returning to my blog, you can find the Age of Dragon excerpts on my website: Jay Nixon Gallery.  I will be switching the dragon's stories to this blog for you to follow.  I have much more to share and I hope you will check back to this blog often.  It is my goal to post a new story each week.  Thank you for your support with the Age of Draga.