Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The Battle of Caatha and Gotthra

The day of conflict had arrived. This is the day that both” Caatha the Blue” and” Gotthra The Dark Heart” had trained for their entire lives. Both of them knew that this day would come and both of them knew that this battle was their destiny. The Caathan wise ones prophesied of this event for centuries. Gotthra had dreamt about this day for as long as he could remember and now it had arrived. The dark one was there to put an end to the prophecy and Caatha was there to protect it. They stared at each other with intense purpose. Cattha’s claws dug in the permafrost ready for the fight. Hot flames licked up the sides of Gotthra’s face ready to shoot forth and incinerate the blue Dragon. Their fates hung in the balance, the battle has begun. 

More to come....
See my more dragon art at www.jaynixonart.com.

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