Sunday, August 17, 2014

Dragon Illustrations

This is a short update to let everyone know what I am currently working on.  I have been doing a lot of painting during the summer break, before college classes start up again.  I am finishing up a new Prince Grenlock painting which will be used as part of my green dragon story.  Prince Grenlock is a key figure in the green dragon tribe with a lot of power and might!

I am also working on a new Zakuua and Gotthra for the story.  I will post them as they get finished and continue to post a little bit more of their story.  I am outlining an index page which will list each dragon with their names and pronunciation for the readers reference.  A map is in the works as well so the reader will know where each dragon tribe lives and travels.

As you can see, I am very busy putting the Age of Draga into print along with completing paintings to make this a visual story as well.  Please keep my blog, website ( and give us a "like"on facebook so you can follow my progress.  Thank You!  Jay